Sue Lachman

“I achieved all my goals for the year and more!”

My name is Sue Lachman. I live in Israel – an expat from London. My website is One bright sunny day in Spain after attending the ‘Viva’ Event (organised by Sheela and her colleague Sue Pankiewicz) I found myself in a café sipping Coke and the words suddenly came out. ‘Sheela, how about we speak when I get back to Israel…I need someone to help me focus’ . Honestly just after it came out my mouth, I wondered who had said that. How the heck could I afford to pay Sheela? You see, until then I had clients but in dribs and drabs. But I started having sessions with Sheela twice a month. She has an enormous amount of patience as I am sometimes going on at double speed. She has to reign me back in when I am speaking about what is inside my head but doesn’t make sense to anyone outside of my head. Not only that but Sheela is my biggest fan, always encouraging me and keeping me on track. Sheela with her knowledge and calm manner guided me towards my own wisdom which in turn brought me closer to my goals. In fact I have now written three books (two at this moment are being edited). I have created a Parenting course. I run seminars and retreats as well as seeing clients 1:1 - and loving life. Sheela has been supportive and skilfully guided me towards being where I am today. I cannot say it was all easy going. I have doubted myself and cried like a baby but all the time, Sheela was there believing in me and encouraging me. Not only that but I have gained a true friend who has helped spark my imagination and reach for the sky. Thank you Sheela, I love you dearly.